Hi, I’m Alex!
I am super passionate about a personalized, holistic approach to health. I have seen first hand the giant impact it can have on your life and I am so excited to share all of my knowledge and personal experiences with all of you!
Let me tell you a bit about my background. I have a honors Bachelors degree in Biomedical Engineering with a Minor in Nutrition and Nutraceutical Sciences from the University of Guelph. This minor solidified my love for using natural things as medicine and I was hooked! I spent all of my free time reading and learning more about a natural, holistic way of life. This lead me to leave my day job as a founding member of an Engineering Company to pursue my passion full time! I have recently graduated as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and I am so excited to help educate and motivate you/people to achieve your health and wellness dreams!
My focus is on two areas that are very personal to me. Autoimmune disease and maternal health (preconception, pregnancy & post partum). I want to help give people with autoimmune diseases’s their life back by uncovering the root cause and addressing it while supporting their body naturally with my 4 Pillar System. I customize my 4 Pillar System to meet the needs of every unique person since we are all different in our own ways! Maternal health plays a big role in the health of the baby and your health as a mother/mother to be. I want to optimize women’s health before they try to get pregnant, during pregnancy and postpartum to ensure that both the mom and baby are getting everything they need to be healthy and happy through these 3 stages and beyond!
I am so passionate about autoimmune disease because I have been living with one since I was a a very young child. I was diagnosed with crohn’s disease (an autoimmune disease of the digestive tract) in my early 20’s after suffering with symptoms for the majority of my life. My diagnosis made me take my health more serious and start to implement the things I was learning about natural, holistic health. I feel so strongly about maternal health because of the giant effect it has on our future generations and on the health and well being of the mother. As a women, I want to support other women by educating them on diet and lifestyle factors that significantly impact the health of their future child and also their health now and in the future. I want to stand up and give women the support, education and health care they deserve.
I am now in full remission of my autoimmune disease and living a very free and happy life. I achieved this through a personalized, holistic diet and lifestyle approach. I love to spend my time reading literature on autoimmune diseases and maternal health. I also love to experiment in the kitchen by making and testing new recipes to fuel our bodies! I am always tweaking and modifying my diet and lifestyle to what feels best to me. I focus on simple living. I am so passionate about a personalized, holistic approach to our health and absolutely love what I do!
Take a peak around my website and reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to work with me!
Alex Muirhead, R.H.N